蘭陵三十.傳奇不滅 / Lan-lin Theater 30th Anniversary.The Legend Lives On
節目/日期/地點 / Program/Date/Venue
「貓的天堂」新版/4月23-24日/新舞台 / Cats' Paradise 2009/April 23-24/Novell Hall
屏風表演班「莎姆雷特」經典再現/5月5-6日/國家戲劇院 / Ping-fong Acting Troupe, Shamlet/May 5-6/National Theatre Hall
「新荷珠新配」首演/5月9-10日/國家戲劇院 / Ho Chu's New Match/May 9-10/National Theatre Hall
官方部落格/Official Website http://www.wretch.cc/blog/lanlin1980
購票請洽兩廳院售票系統/Ticketing Service by NTCH Ticketing System http://www.artsticket.com.tw
“LanLin Theater 30th Anniversary.The Legend Lives On”:Bring Back Fond Memories & Revive the Glorious Days
This year marks the 30th anniversary for Lan-lin Theater. By popular demand theater group leader Mr. Jin Shi-jie, as known as Jin Bao in the theater community, decided to bring the classics such as “Cats' Paradise”, “Shamlet” and “HoChu's New Match” back on stage. Most of the original cast is in their mid-life now. The thought of seeing all of them together on stage and reviving the classic plays of Lan-lin Theater is extremely exciting for those diehard Lan-lin fans.
30 years ago Lan-lin Theater presented “Ho Chu’s New Match” and the box office was overwhelmingly successful. The audience would laugh hysterically at this foolish over-exaggerated comedy. When asked about his critically acclaimed play Mr. Jin is quite modest, “That was a different era then. People had no access to information and were rather repressed. All of a sudden something humorous came along and everyone was easily pleased. It didn’t take much to entertain and make people laugh!”
30 years later “Ho Chu’s New Match” will be brought back on stage. If you would like to catch the performance of the original cast – Hugh Lee, Mr. Lee Tien-zhu and Ms. Liu Ruo-yu, you’d better take an advantage of this reunion of the cast. Over the years they have mastered their acting skills and now are the elite of Taiwan theater community. Ms. Liu Ruo-yu, as the artistic director, has led U Theater to perform all over the world. Mr. Lee Tien-zhu is a well-respected and Golden Bell Award-winning actor. And Hugh Lee founded PingFong Acting Troupe and continues to entertain audience and keep them company.
Most original members of Lan-lin Theater are influential figures in the theater community. And Mr. Jin Shi-jie concludes that it is a positive growth for the development of Taiwan theaters and the audience. “If we continued to stay in the same theater group maybe there wouldn’t be Ping-fong Acting Troupe, If Kids Theater and U Theater. Since we are all working at different places and leading the next generation of actors forces us to improve our craftsmanship and to speed up the process. As a result we each developed our own performing style and philosophy.”
If you have seen Lan-lin’s play 30 years ago you definitely can’t miss this one! You’ll see the original cast back on stage and performing the play from 3 decades ago. They may have lost their youth but their charisma comes from years of experiences working in showbiz. They may have lost their good looks but a truly talented actor doesn’t need a pretty face to impress you. Instead a gifted artist understands that art imitates life and vice versa. Therefore acting is never pretentious but natural and effortless. Perhaps 30 years ago you missed out on the opportunity to catch Lan-lin Theater because you weren’t even born yet. Now is your chance to make up for lost time and witness the stage presence of these pioneer theater actors. Mr. Jin Shi-jie says with a smile, “Despite of having the original cast on stage you definitely can see differences in our play now and then. We present you this light-hearted comedy and bring back good old feelings and wonderful times. Also we would like to dedicate this to Dr. Wu Jing-ji for it’s his 70th birthday this year and express our gratitude. We’re grateful for what he did for Lan-lin Theater and planted the seeds for modern theater in Taiwan.
The anniversary programs for “Lan-lin Theater 30th Anniversary.The Legend Lives On” will go on for two months. Please go on Lan-lin Theater’s official blog http://www.wretch.cc/blog/lanlin1980for more details.
「蘭陵三十‧傳奇再現」系列活動為期兩個月,詳細節目內容請參考蘭陵劇坊官方部落格http://www.wretch.cc/blog/lanlin1980 。