Homey’s Cafe
38, Lane 236, DunHua S. Rd Sec.1 2F
營業時間/Hours:12 pm-12 am
Credit Cards Not Accepted. No Service Charge.
中/英文菜單 / Chinese/English menu
Even though Homey’s Café just opened less than three months ago business is going well. Thanks to word of mouth and owner Homey’s good relationships with people. In addition Homey has accumulated substantial experiences in operating a restaurant over the years he does bring surprises every time he opens a new business. There are only 38 seats which may not seem much but you can choose to sit by the bar, on the balcony, on the couch or the indoor table & chair. Free wireless service is also available for customers. You may come in for coffee during the day and a drink or two after work. For those who would like to grab a quick bite while hanging out at Homey’s Café you have quite a few light meal choices, including sandwiches, salad, bagel, and rice & noodle dishes.
“Homey’s Bacon & Parma Ham Club Sandwiches”﹙NT$130﹚is delightful. Having bacon and parma ham sandwiches with potato chips plus a cup of cappuccino﹙Iced NT$120/Hot NT$100﹚is ideal for snacking in the afternoon.
Homey’s Café is famous for its homemade desserts. “Oreo Mascarpone”﹙NT$120﹚is ranked as the most popular among female customers. You can pair it with a pot of tea﹙herbal tea, Taiwanese specialty tea and organic black tea﹚ and enjoy a relaxing afternoon at Homey’s Café.
Homey renovated the second floor of this old apartment building and now it seems more spacious than the old structure and adequately ventilated. On a hot day it’s still cool inside and there is no need to turn on the air conditioner. If you sit by the balcony it’s very comfortable because there’s constant breeze coming through.
雖然才開幕不到三個月,Homey’s Café憑著老闆Homey的好人緣和口耳相傳,生意興隆。由於他的餐飲業經驗豐富,每次新開店總是讓人耳目一新。儘管只有38個座位不算多,客人可以任意坐在吧台、陽台、沙發、或是室內的桌椅,並且提供免費無線上網,希望客人在閒暇之餘,白天來喝咖啡、晚上供應酒精類飲料。為了方便想要用些簡餐的客人,Homey’s Café準備不少輕食的選擇,三明治、沙拉、貝果以及麵食飯類。
Homey’s Café的自製甜點非常有名,Oreo提拉米蘇﹙120元﹚是女性消費者的最愛,搭配一壺茶﹙花草茶、台灣特色茶、有機紅茶﹚,可以輕鬆的消磨一下午。