小檔案/ Profile
2009台北奔牛節/Cowparade Taipei 2009
展出時間/城市 /Exhibition Date/City:台北/Taipei 2-4月/February-April; 台中/Taichung 5-6月/May-June; 高雄/Kaohsiung 7-8月/July-August
官方網站/Official Website http://www.cowparade-taipei.com/cowparade
半年之內,Yellow 手工商品成立兩個據點販售自家創意商品,而原本只是姐妹花和母親經營的創意商品已經拓展到連父親和表哥也一起投入,成為創意家庭事業。最近陸續推出的零錢包、手機套、化粧包和女用背包,也都可以自行挑選花色訂做,永遠不怕撞包!
小檔案/ Profile
Yellow 手工商品/Yellow Family
忠孝東路四段181巷6-3號﹙國際精品館﹚; (02)8773-9468
6-3, Lane 181, ZhongXiao E. Rd Sec.4
營業時間/Hours:2-11 pm
部落格/Blog http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/beautycreatress
採訪當天一走進7=1,只見大囍堂的林詩昌在整理衣服,iamsefs的Eileen 在開放工作台縫製手工包包,而Daladdda的達達就坐在一旁聊天。問他們是否天天都在店裡,林詩昌笑說:「我們大多數時間在店裡,不然就是在前往各地創意市集的路上。」
其實之前介紹的Yellow 手工商品的第一個實體店面就是在7=1,而這裡還有瘋狂馬力和Lazy 20創意品牌等著你來探索!
小檔案/ Profile
7=1/seven EQUAL one
15, Lane 31, DaAn Rd, Sec.1
營業時間/Hours:1-10 pm
部落格/Blog http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/seven_equal_one
原創好物是個設計公司,同時也提供創意商品的通路,種類之多有如百貨公司,大多數商品都是在網站上販售,但是把一部分商品放在店面銷售,而這個商店就在The Wall-這牆音樂藝文展演空間的入口處旁邊,小小的空間囊括十多個創意品牌商品,也寄賣在The Wall演出的樂團T恤,不少粉絲在看完表演後,立即衝進原創好物買T恤,以示自己對心愛樂團的支持!
Dr. Evil也是一個充滿黑色幽默的圖像創作品牌,顛覆大家心目中形象高尚、善良的童話故事人物,例如白雲公主,就被畫成帶點龐克風的壞心眼公主;大人小孩都愛的知名速食店招牌人物﹙暗示:xxx叔叔﹚畫成壞壞的邪惡叔叔,做成麥當當筆記本﹙100元﹚,每本手工裝訂,小小的一本方便隨身攜帶,可以塗鴉也可以作筆記,內頁用完,記得拆下書皮當酷卡。
不知道是否因為位在The Wall的商店街裡,原創好物的創意品牌都帶著反骨的精神!下次當你來The Wall支持台灣搖滾文化時,記得到原創好物逛逛!
小檔案/ Profile
原創好物/Art4pcom Shop
羅斯福路四段200號B1;(02)2711-0319 #146
200, Roosevelt Rd, Sec.4, B1
營業時間/Hours:5-10 pm﹙週一公休/closed on Mondays﹚
部落格/Blog www.art4p.com
小檔案/ Profile
10, ChengDu Rd ﹙XiMen Red House Studio #16﹚
營業時間/Hours:2-9:30 pm﹙週一公休/closed on Mondays﹚
Street Public Art Turning Taipei into Spain
In the last 10 years the landscapes of Taipei have become more and more beautiful as time goes by. The past February “CowParade Taipei 2009” decorated the city with 107 cows in 13 most popular tourist attractions, from Taipei Zoo to National Palace Museum, Ximending to Xinyi Shopping District. These colorful public art works not only beautified the city of Taipei and provided artistic expression to it but also turned it into a giant art museum!
This year marks the 10th anniversary for CowParade. And 2009 also happens to be the year of Ox in Chinese Zodiac. This international public art festival is very diverse and encourages professional and amateur artists to create artwork. It goes to show that everyone can create artwork and shortens the distance between everyday people and artworks. In other words anyone can be an artist as long as he has creativity.
小檔案/ Profile
2009台北奔牛節/Cowparade Taipei 2009
展出時間/城市 /Exhibition Date/City:台北/Taipei 2-4月/February-April; 台中/Taichung 5-6月/May-June; 高雄/Kaohsiung 7-8月/July-August
官方網站/Official Website http://www.cowparade-taipei.com/cowparade
For several years now Street art in Taiwan has evolved and gone from public art to individual creative art. Street fairs sprang up all over Taiwan, from schools to communities, from art festivals to outdoor concerts. The number of attendees can range from a few hundred people to over 1,000. Going to street fairs has become increasingly popular and a new pastime in Taiwan. However, some street artists are tired of moving from one street fair to another like Nomads and decide to find a permanent location to set up a shop for their creative products. That way the customers will know where to find them and be able to shop in a comfortable and spacious environment. Currently there are too many street fairs in Taiwan. For those creative designers who can afford to open up their own studios or shops their design products are likely to be better quality. Therefore we’ll introduce a series of unique lifestyle brands. Our special thanks to Art and Lifestyle Association of Taiwan for assisting us during our search for innovative designers.
Mom’s Seamstress Skills Create One & Only Chic Fashionable Accessories
Big Yellow and Yellow are sisters. In their younger days they worked as street venders selling women’s clothing and accessories. When street fairs first sprang up they encouraged their mother, a former seamstress who used to work in a garment factory, to sew handmade bra straps﹙NT$190﹚by using colorful fabric to replace the ordinary traditional looking bra straps. While their business boomed they introduced their second product-women’s shoulder bag﹙small NT$1,680/large NT$1,980﹚made of artificial sofa leather. It was an overnight sensation because it possesses the style of the luxurious handbag at a fraction of the price. It’s such a hot item that even celebrity modals try to get their hands on it! The material is also lightweight and you won’t feel it on your shoulder while carrying it. You can choose your favorite color to make a bag. If you’re considered tall buy a large one, it will make you look slander!
Within six months Yellow Family set up two retail locations to promote their products. Originally just the two sisters and their mother were in the business together. Soon enough their cousin and their father also joined the family business. Their newest collection includes coin purse, cell phone case, makeup bag and women’s handbag. For all of the above you can chose your favorite patterns and colors to make a bag. You will never have to worry about running into someone with the same bag!
小檔案/ Profile
Yellow 手工商品/Yellow Family
忠孝東路四段181巷6-3號﹙國際精品館﹚; (02)8773-9468
6-3, Lane 181, ZhongXiao E. Rd Sec.4﹙International boutique mall﹚
營業時間/Hours:2-11 pm
部落格/Blog http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/beautycreatress
Six Good Friends Together Build A Dreamland Of Handmade Artworks
Six young designers met in street fairs and became close friends. They had one common goal-to collaborate in a retail store. The reasons are simple: 1. there is power in numbers and together they can appeal to a broad spectrum of clients; 2. they’re simply tired of being chased by the police. Last December they opened 7=1 and even though one of the seven designers got cold feet and backed out at the last minute. They insist on keeping the name, hoping that someday the 7th designer will come along and join 7=1.
On the day of the interview Mr. Lin Shi-chang who created Da Xi Tang was organizing clothes on the shelf, Eileen who set up iamsefs was sewing handmade bags at the open work station while Dada who’s in charge of Daladdda sat against the wall and chitchatted with them. When asked whether they spend everyday in the shop, Mr. Lin Shi-chang replied with a smile, “We’re always here. If not we’re on the way to street fairs somewhere.”
Lin Shi-chang majored in costume design when he was in school. Now he creates handmade T-shirts with Hakka floral pattern fabric﹙floral pattern NT$590/Double happiness characters NT$690﹚as well as tank tops﹙floral pattern NT$590/Double happiness characters NT$690﹚. His clothing is unisex and does come in small, medium and large sizes. For two years in a row he was a regular at the Red House Market selling his design and already had steady following. Originally his clothing was mainly in black and white and lately he’s crossed over to vibrant colors. In addition he works on improving the packaging by enclosing wash care instructions so that customers won’t have to worry about discoloration.
Eileen spent five years working as a 9 to 5 office worker. Her craftsmanship and high sensitivity with colors have turned YKK zippers to colorful pen bags, makeup bag, coin pouch, reusable chopsticks bags and more. The most hot-selling item is the multi-functioned bag, such as cell phone bag that comes with a pocket for battery and another pocket for EasyCard. Next time when your mobile is out of battery you won’t have to search everywhere looking for it. With quick access to EasyCard you can go in and out of MRT stations without looking for it. Eileen says, “Customers are welcome to come in and choose their favorite colors to make a bag. It’s best if they can specify what they will use the bag for and then I can design a multi-functioned and easy to use bag accordingly.”
It is purely accidental that Dada is now in the creative design business. With encouragement from Lin Shi-chang and Eileen she started Daladdda-a handmade jewelry brand. Dada calls her designs of necklaces and bracelets﹙ranging from NT$290 to NT$590﹚ “installation art” because she simply assembles different pieces together. She often goes to school markets and discovers that students are prone to favor her line of creative products. She randomly came up with a collection of Chinese Chess cell phone accessories ﹙NT$150 each﹚and now it’s selling like hot cakes!
In 7=1 there are three other creative brands-Lazy 20, Crazy Horsepower and Yellow Family. In fact this is the first retail location Yellow Family established before having a boutique store only for their designs.
小檔案/ Profile
7=1/seven EQUAL one
15, Lane 31, DaAn Rd, Sec.1
營業時間/Hours:1-10 pm
部落格/Blog http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/seven_equal_one
Creative Space Hidden In Rock & Roll Hall
Art4pcom is a design company that provides retail channels for design products. The majority of the products are sold online and their website is like a virtual department store. In addition to online shopping there’s also an Art4pcom shop right next to the entrance to The Wall Live House. You’ll find more than 10 different design brands and T-shirts featuring rock bands that regularly perform at The Wall. Some music fans often rush into Art4pcom shop to look for T-shirts from their favorite bands to show their support!
In Art4pcom shop the most well known design brand is Foufou-a hand sketch rabbit with all kinds of facial expressions. This brand was founded in 2005 by a group of young amateur artists and the name Foufou is originated from a French word, meaning crazy people. Foufou’s design is cute and adorable with some dark humor. The mission of this brand is to offer people some light-hearted humor and make everyday life less boring. The latest innovative product from Foufou-the new & improved ID holder﹙NT$250﹚comes with a self-stabbing rabbit and its roaring look is amusing. This ID holder can be used to keep your company identification and EasyCard and you can also use it as a luggage tag when you travel abroad.
Dr. Evil is another dark-humor design brand. It aims to transform the good and noble fairytale characters into someone slightly evil. Dr. Evil has turned Snow White into an ill intentioned rocker style princess and Uncle D. from a well known fast food chain into a villain. Handmade Uncle D. villain notebook﹙NT$100﹚can be used as a sketch book or a pocket book when you need to jot something down quickly. When you run out of pages be sure to tear off the notebook cover and send it off as a postcard.
It seems like most of the design brands at Art4pcom shop are rebellious by nature. We wonder if it’s because the shop is adjacent to a rock and roll live house. Next time when you go to The Wall to show your support for the Taiwanese rock and roll music, please feel free to stop by Art4pcom shop to browse through some unique brands.
小檔案/ Profile
原創好物/Art4pcom Shop
羅斯福路四段200號B1;(02)2711-0319 #146
200, Roosevelt Rd, Sec.4, B1
營業時間/Hours:5-10 pm﹙週一公休/closed on Mondays﹚
部落格/Blog www.art4p.com
Four Professional Designers Launched Creative Brands That Represent
Taiwan Spirit
By joining Taiwan Graphic Design Association four well-established designers became friends. Ajue Wu, Martin Yang, Grace Shih and James Chen each run their own designing firms as their day job. Together they form a new brand MOART-“More” + “Art” + Chinese character “Mo”﹙means silence﹚=”HeiGou”﹙means black dog﹚. This brand’s mission statement is defined by the characteristics of energetic and loyal Taiwanese black dog and to them the true Taiwanese creative force comes from silence that speaks louder than words. Their slogan is design is a living attitude.
Ajue Wu was inspired by Chiang KaiShek Memorial Hall and created “Chiang’s Talk”. The brand specializes in exquisite gift designs that can best represent Taiwan and caters to foreign tourists. “FuGui Tea Cup Set”﹙NT$3,880﹚, a china set exported to Japan, is a delightful present that signifies Chinese traditional culture. The cups are designed to be shaped like a male and a female and each is imprinted with a Chinese character on the bottom. The male cup is written “Fu” which means wealth and “Gui” on the female cup signifies precious goods. “LaoZi Says Green Tea”﹙NT$500﹚is an export to Europe and currently is on sale at the famous Lafayette Department Store in France. It contains Taiwanese green tea, including TieGuanYin and JinBao Oolong.
Martin Yang established the brand D.Yang in 2007. He used Chinese ink and wash painting to portray three of the tallest buildings-Empire Building in New York, The Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur and Taipei 101 Building. He then transformed the paintings onto canvas ﹙NT$1,600 for one painting/NT$4,200 for all three﹚. Grace Shih introduces “uGuts” and “Show Me Wa”-two Taiwanese aboriginal brands and they incorporate aboriginal symbols onto necklaces, notebooks and coffee mugs. James Chen brings in “Yoga bobo” and this brand utilizes the basic 12 poses from yoga to design products. The most inquired-about products are skateboard﹙NT$950﹚and surfboard﹙NT$8,500﹚. Yoga bobo, dressed in white and bright orange, is any eye-catching symbol!
MOART was opened in late February, featuring 4 major design brands on display. These products represent the creativity of the four partners and gradually more products will be added to the shelves. These quality design products are not only Taiwanese creative cultures but also ideal souvenirs for foreign friends. For foreigners who currently reside in Taiwan these are perfect gift ideas. Before your next trip home you can come to MOART and shop for presents to give to your friends and family so that they’ll have a better understanding of your home away from home.
小檔案/ Profile
10, ChengDu Rd ﹙XiMen Red House Studio #16﹚
營業時間/Hours:2-9:30 pm﹙週一公休/closed on Mondays﹚
Support Original Designs and Cultivate Creative Cultures in Taiwan
In Taipei the readily available public art has shortened the distance between everyday people and fine art. As weekend street fairs become popular and often crowded it shows that creative designs that beautify our lives are easily accessible. We’ve guided you through a wide range of various design studios with different backgrounds. One has formed a family business thanks to Mom’s seamstress skills. One is a promising group project consist of ambitious young designers. There’s also a creative space combining music and design into one and professional designers who aim to take design products inspired by Taiwanese cultures to the world. Each and every one of them represents Taiwan creative art. Lately the street fairs are filled with counterfeit products and that has hard hit the designers. This infringement has violated copyright and will not stimulate the creative design industry. Please support original designs so that more and more Taiwan designers can participate in international competitions and show their talents abroad. The world will know that there is a lot more to Taiwan than just the high-tech industry!