Wednesday, September 26, 2012

【歌喉讚】'Pitch Perfect' Trailer HD

Sing your heart out and move with the rhythm. That's what PITCH PERFECT will get you doing during the movie. The story might be corny and the a capella performance is truly amazing! And the moral of the story is that God is fair cuz you must have a perfect pitch if you weren't given an angelic face! LOL.

【歌喉讚】這部電影會讓你又唱又跳,故事也許稍嫌老套,阿卡貝拉的表演真是經采絕倫。電影要傳達的重要宗旨是,上帝是公平的,如果沒有給你天使般的面孔,肯定給你一個完美的歌喉! 哈哈哈哈哈哈