Saturday, May 16, 2009


3, Alley 31, Lane 191, MinQuan East Rd, Sec.3
營業時間/Hours:11:30 am–9:30 pm
Credit Cards Not Accepted. No Service Charge.

Jasmine and Joanne are best friends and they became vegetarians due to the no killing philosophy. Soon they realized that most vegetarian restaurants can’t cater to their dietary needs. As a result they decided to put their culinary skills to work and start a vegetarian restaurant of their own. However, their day time job – showbiz takes up most of their time and on top of that they travel abroad frequently. Therefore Blossoming is reservation only – you must call two days in advance to book a table. Otherwise you’ll be very disappointed to find the door locked if you just decide to show up on an impulse. When the weather is nice and sunny you may sit in the garden, enjoy a hearty healthy meal in this relaxing environment while being kissed by the sun.

Blossoming is not aimed to make a profit but for good karma. Jasmine and Joanne have become close friends with customers and together they get involved in charity events, such as visiting senior homes all over Taiwan. They both love traveling, especially to Burma, Thailand, India, Nepal and Tibet. Through experiences in these foreign countries they look for inspirations of creative exotic cuisine. Most dishes are based on the cuisines of their favorite traveling destinations. In addition every dish is vegetarian without eggs or alcohol. No menu is available. Everything is served family style based on the number of guests﹙three dishes for 2 people; four dishes for 3 people and so on﹚

“Tomato Salad”, a traditional Burmese dish, is ideal for the upcoming hot and humid summer. “Spicy Hot Vegetarian Chicken” is by far the most popular dish. Once you take a bite, it’s hard to believe that it’s not meat! Vegetarians who love spicy food will absolutely love it. “Masala Stir-Fry Eggplants” is Nepali. Pair is with Thai jasmine rice﹙cooked with sweet fennel﹚and you won’t be able to stop until it’s all gone. Thanks to Blossoming - Vegetarians won’t have to give up world cuisine just because they give up meat!


