Monday, September 25, 2006

You'll Get a Kick Out of This if You've Lived in Taiwan

A friend sent this to me. I just laugh it off. You see, I used to work at ICRT for years and it's where my radio career began. And the scooters...boy, they're all over the island. It's amazing how many people can be stacked on one moving scooter.

By the way, I highly encourage those of you who have not been to Taiwan to see it for yourself. It's unique and you won't find better food anywhere else on this planet!

You Know You've Been In Taiwan For Quite Some Time When:

1.20 degrees feels cold.

2.ICRT is a "good" radio station.

3.You stop conjugating verbs.

4.You see three people on a motorcycle and figure there's room for twomore.

5.You look both ways before crossing the sidewalk.

6.You stop and look both ways before driving through a red light.

7.You wear blue rubber flip-flops to work.

8.You own at least one mosquito tennis raquet.

9.At least a part of Christmas dinner is stir-fried.

10.You cannot say the number six without an accompanying hand gesture.

11.You look forward to typhoons because it you might get a day off work.

12.You've called gangster friends to help you settle a dispute.

13.You think a half-hour car ride is an excruciatingly long time

14.You're amazed at how low-tech everything is back home.

15.You know what DM, POP, AE, XO, WC, and AV stand for or mean.

16.You accept business cards with both hands, and inspect both sideswithout reading them.

17.You carry an umbrella with you for much of the year.

18.You have a giant wedding photo on your wall.

19.You speak Mandarin with a Taiwanese accent.

20.Your kid is half Chinese, I mean, Taiwanese.