Saturday, May 12, 2012

Champagne Afternoon Tea @Bar at Yen, W Taipei

                                         Photographer / 攝影: Cash Hsieh

                                               Courtesy of W Taipei
                                                              Courtesy of W Taipei
                                                      Photographer / 攝影: Cash Hsieh

31st Floor Bar at Yen, W Taipei / 台北W飯店31樓紫艷酒吧
3~5 pm
No.10, Section 5, ZhongXiao East Road, XinYi District, Taipei

台北W飯店開幕近一年半,10樓的Woobar從早到晚人潮絡繹不絕,殊不知真正頂級的浪漫隱藏在31樓的紫艷酒吧,空間雖小,整體視覺效果最佳,隱密舒適,窗外豎立著地標台北101,這般風景搭配首度推出的兩人份香檳下午茶,坐在舒適的柔軟沙發上不禁大讚:「愜意的生活真是享受啊!」四種鹹點及八款甜點及分別放置在形狀有如台北101、鮮艷粉紫色彩的五層架上,人稱馬尾的甜點主廚洪哲煒經歷長時間的研究開發,將昂貴奢華食材運用的淋漓盡致,燒賣以龍蝦作內餡,搭上黑松露;北海道干貝蒸蛋、鮭魚三明治都配有魚子醬,招牌蛋塔是不可錯過的甜點。舉起英國皇室御用的保羅傑香檳Pol Roger),為人生的美好喝采!

W Taipei opened nearly 18 months ago. Woobar on the 10th floor is always packed with chic boys and girls. But the real gem is Bar at Yen on 31st floor. That’s where the true romance is hidden. Cozy and yet colorful…comfortable and yet private…Getting a full view of Taipei landmark 101 while enjoying a champagne afternoon tea set for two. What more can you ask for? Life is good! 4 savory treats along with 8 sweets…Dessert chef Ponytail spent months researching and finally was able to include lobster, truffle & caviar into small treats. Signature treat Egg Tart is a must have. Raise your glass filled with Pol Roger champagne and toast to the finer things in life!