Saturday, May 23, 2009

Tanning Salon in Taipei

力屋國際。Powerhouse International
177, ZhongXiao E. Rd., Sec 4, 3F-3 ﹙Close to ZhongXiao DunHuaMRT Station Exit 2﹚
營業時間/Hours:10:30 am-11:30 pm
Credit Cards Accepted. No Service Charge.

Even though we cannot see ultraviolet radiation with our naked eyes the health effects on the skins of UV radiation cannot be ignored. Many dermatologists advocate sun protection measures and yet people still long for an all-over tan and that golden bronze look. One can wear as little as bikini and lie down under the sun for some color and still ends up with some tan lines. Therefore tanning salons began to pop up in the 80s. Indoor tanning solves a few problems for those who love to be kissed by the sun; not affected by rainy days, the time spent in tanning and the environment are carefully controlled, tanning in the nude in a private area.

A. Now tanning salons are available in Taipei. Powerhouse International has brought in expensive tanning beds from the U.S. This tanning bed is not only to give you a healthy glow of all-over tan but also it is equipped with a special pulsating LED unit for photomodulation beauty treatments.
B. There are also tanning booths where you can strip naked and get tan while standing up for 10 minutes. From the outside the tanning booths look like space shuttles in a glance. For first timer you can come in for a session every other day and for approximately three times a week. Depending on your natural skin tone and ideal color of tan the number of tanning sessions may vary. Once you’ve achieved the gorgeous tan you want, just come in once a month for maintenance. You’ll also apply tanning lotion to your skin and you may choose among different brands and ingredients of tanning lotions in order to get the best result. For fees the options are as the following: single session is NT$250, five sessions purchased in advance is NT$1,000, monthly pass﹙NT$1,750﹚, three months pass﹙NT$4,500﹚, six month pass﹙NT$6,500﹚and one year pass﹙NT$10,000/complimentary tanning lotion worth NT$800﹚.


A. 如今台北也有人工日曬中心,力屋國際從美國引進價格昂貴的日曬床,而這張日曬床除了可以曬出你想要的健康膚色,它也同時具有脈衝光的配備,達到雙重的效果,人工日光浴兼美容。
B. 也有直立式的日曬機器,衣服脫光站著一次曬十分鐘,乍看之下好像太空艙。初次使用人工日曬,一週最多曬三次,曬完隔天休息。依照每個人的膚質和理想的膚色,需要曬的次數也不等。一旦目標達成,每個月曬一次以維護膚色。日曬前需要上一層日曬油,按照自己喜歡的膚色挑選不同成份的日曬油以達到最好的效果。收費方式如下,單次為250元,購買五次優惠價1,000元,另外有月票﹙1,750元﹚、三個月﹙4,500元﹚、六個月﹙6,500元﹚和年票﹙10,000元/加送一瓶日曬油﹚。