Friday, May 22, 2009

Just In Bistro & Wine Bar

Just In Bistro & Wine Bar
33, Alley 181, ZhongXiao E. Rd., Sec 4,﹙Close to ZhongXiao DunHuaMRT Station Exit 2﹚
營業時間/Hours:週一白天公休/Closed Mondays during daytime; 午餐/Lunch 12 -2:30 pm;下午茶/Afternoon Tea 2:30-5:30 pm; 歡樂時光/Happy Hour 5:30-7:30 pm; 晚餐/Dinner 6-10 pm; 西班牙點心&葡萄酒吧 5:30 pm-12 am﹙週四到六營業時間超過半夜12點/Thursday thru Saturday stays open past midnight﹚
Credit Cards Accepted. No Service Charge.
中/英文菜單 / Chinese/English menu

Renowned chef Justin Quek has surprised us again with his culinary skills! The newly open Just in Bistro & Wine Bar uses the freshest local ingredients to create comfort food. Sommelier’s wine selection to pair with bistro cuisine and serving full menu even after 9 pm are some of the reasons why people flock here. Justin says, “It’s now the time of Bistronomics – reasonable prices for delicate and simple bistro cuisine. We offer you a meeting place to hang out and get something to eat and drink. It doesn’t have to be a sit-down dinner. You can eat & drink standing up at the bar – relax, talk as loud as you like and just be yourself.”

A. Kevin Hu is not only the restaurant manager but also a sommelier. He makes excellent recommendation based on professional knowledge. Single glass starts from NT$160. If you like it then consider get the whole bottle. Daily happy hour begins at 5:30 ‘till 7:30 with a special cocktail promotion﹙buy one get one free﹚with complimentary tapas. Come here once and you’ll want to come here after work everyday. Monday’s special is NT$500 for one Just in pizza and two beers. There is no service charge because “it’s just as cozy as if eating at a friend’s house; only if you like the service, then you may tip our hardworking wait staff directly.” Says Chef Quek.
B. Taiwan is surrounded by sea on all sides and therefore seafood variety is abundant. Justin is inspired by it and presents the freshest seafood as the special recommendation written up on the blackboard. “Grilled Langoustines with olive oil & basil”﹙NT$398/160 grams﹚is so fresh and it tastes delicious with simple seasoning of olive oil and basil. “Clams a la Mariniere in Casserole”﹙NT$130﹚is perfect with white wine. Order 5 or 6 Spanish tapas to share among friends, enjoy good food, catch up with friends and have a good time!
C. “Gourmet Cheese Burger, Salad & Fries”﹙NT$360﹚has hand chopped sirloin burger patty with mushrooms and Gruyere cheese. This is one of the most popular dishes because once people try it and they love it.

名廚郭文秀的Just In Bistro & Wine Bar讓大家驚豔:以本地新鮮食材作出讓人心情好的料理,專業侍酒師選酒配菜,晚上九點後照常供餐。郭主廚說:「現在是小餐廳經濟學的時代,合理價格吃到精緻、簡單的歐陸美食,提供讓大家喝小酒、吃小點的聚會場所,不一定要坐下來,在吧台吃吃喝喝也很開心!藉機放鬆、大聲講話,不受拘束。」

A. 餐廳經理胡凱文同時也是侍酒師,以專業知識推薦酒類,單杯葡萄酒從160元起跳,喜歡再買整瓶;每天歡樂時光5:30-7:30 pm,只要點一杯買一送一促銷活動的調酒,店家不時招待點心,來過一次,以後下班都想來;週一晚上的優惠活動是一份比薩加兩瓶啤酒只要500元。這裡不收服務費,「像是在朋友家用餐那樣自在,如果服務不錯,歡迎將小費給辛苦的服務生!」郭主廚誠懇的解釋著。
B. 台灣四周環海,因此海鮮種類特別多,激發郭主廚更多創意靈感,漁港最新鮮的海產就是黑板上的特別推薦,烤螯蝦﹙398元/160公克﹚因為新鮮,以橄欖油和羅勒調味就很好吃。香料白酒蛤蜊﹙130元﹚搭配白酒,三五好友,再點五六樣西班牙小點一起分享,慢慢吃喝,盡情聊天,好不快樂!
C. 招牌牛肉起士漢堡佐沙拉與薯條﹙360元﹚可是手剁上好的沙朗牛肉,再做成漢堡肉,夾著蘑菇和瑞士起士,這是目前熱銷的一試成主顧菜色之一。