During my month long stay in San Francisco I’ve met up with many great friends in San Francisco. Among those married ones kids seem to be the most talked about topic. Everest and Donna just had their second child, baby girl Brooke; Eri had her second kid a year ago and yes! It’s a boy again. Melody had a 21 month old boy named Aiden. Tony & Trish finally had their first child a year ago and they are very happy with Emily. Rochelle is now 8 years old and Blake is so fortunate to have her. She’s gotta be the smartest 8 year old!
Two years ago when I turned 34 I vowed to meet my Mr. Right before the age of 35. And it turns out that I’ve knew him all along.
We met five years ago at Rouge. It was a night I was supposed to hang out with college pals. He’s not an alumni but he’s friends with quite a few of them. He came along for a few drinks. Without any formal introduction he approached me. The music was so loud that I could barely hear him. It was like a shouting match back and forth and half of the time I had no idea what he said.
“Time’s up…take your booty call outside…the bar is closed…” the bouncer shouted at the crowd. It’s 10 till 2 am and he realized that he’s running out of time. In the midst of looking for my friends and moving toward the exit, he asked me out, “Would you like to go on a date with me?” Do you like sushi? I’ll take you out for excellent sushi!” Me? Of course, I love raw fish! Dude, you’re on!
Before our official first date he called me a lot. Once he called on while I was trying on dresses at bebe. He must enjoy talking to me ‘cuz I was literally half naked in the dressing room and talking on my cell for 20 minutes if not longer.
He lived in the East Bay and I was by Potrero Hills. Our first date was slated for 7 on a Saturday. He called at 6:45 and said that he would be 30 minutes late. Those 30 minutes turned into one hour and one hour became 90 minutes. I got all dressed up and nowhere to go! My roommate felt so bad for me that he was ready to take me to Blow Fish, a popular sushi restaurant within walking distance from our house.
He finally showed up and it was almost 9 pm! I thought we both lived in the Bay Area, not LA area. I’ll be the first one to admit that a date that requires two hours of a drive is not worth going.
The original plan must be off. He took me to Basil, a Thai restaurant in SoMa. I love Thai food but all day long I was immersed in the thought of raw fish. Instead I was fed Tom Yum soup, papaya salad and green curry chicken. I didn’t want to make a scene by giving him hell for being two hours late. We had good conversations and he asked a lot of questions, ranging from “what do your parents do for a living” to “do you like kids”; and yet he didn’t pose the standard question, “do you have a boyfriend?”
After dinner he took me straight home. He parked in front of our garage and then he said, “I had a great time tonight. I would like to see you again. Next time we’ll have sushi!”
“If there’s a next time, can you at least be on time and be here as you promise? Why should I wait for two hours when I can drive myself there, have dinner and be back home already…..” I just had to get it off my chest.
“Hush, kiss me already!” he started kissing me and this make-out session soon became the highlight of the evening! If I could do him right there it would be one night to remember! But I could sense that my roommate was watching us from the window ledge right above the garage. Damn it!
Once he invited me to spend a weekend together at Monterey. I love weekend getaway and boy was I glad that I said yes. It was the most romantic weekend ever. We arrived in a sunny Friday afternoon. After checking in we wasted no time and jumped into bed right away. It was a true testimony proving that mind blowing sex does exist. A few times I was almost out of breath but I would be very happy to die in the midst of climax. It was bright and sunny outside when we went into our room. We didn’t make it to dinner ‘till much later that night. I don’t recall what we had for dinner but I do remember walking around the touristy downtown area, hand in hand like two madly in love newly wed.
For the entire weekend we did act like two lovers on their honeymoon. We were inseparable. Even when we waited in line for brunch he would hold me in his arms. It was lovey-dovey to the extreme!
Before we checked out my Tiffany necklace accidentally fell into the faucet and we tried to get it out but failed. So he called housekeeping and the janitor came to our rescue. On our way back he proposed to stop by Gilroy to see his dad. I was not ready to meet the parent. It wasn’t part of the plan as far as I was concerned. But he said that it was his father’s birthday and it would be a pleasant surprise to stop by. Darn, I had to be home in time to get ready for my date with my boyfriend then before 7. Otherwise I would be so busted.
Somehow he convinced me to meet his dad and stepmother. Hell we even picked up a present before showing up. Aside from this unexpected incident of “meet the parent” I thought we had a great time. I remember telling him how much I enjoyed the mini vacation as I was getting out of his car. And he promised to call me later that week.
Monday went by. Tuesday went by. I didn’t hear from him on Wednesday either. By the 5th day I received a call from him. He sounded rather cold and unfriendly on the phone. I thought to myself, “why bother calling me if you’re in such a lousy mood?! Do you wanna share your pain and sorrow?!”
“I told my friends about our trip to Monterey and we’re wondering why you haven’t called to thank me for such a great time yet. You’re ungrateful..” said this cold voice on the phone.
I was astounded to hear what he had to say. It just seemed so weird that I couldn’t finger on it. He disappeared for a few weeks and resurfaced again when I moved into Nob Hill. We went on a date and had dinner at House of Nanking. On the way back to my apartment he scolded me for being rude and insensitive to the waitress. WHAT?! You gotta kidding me…Thank god that we kissed and made up. In fact it was one amazing makeup sex. Otherwise I would continue to ridicule his sometimes weird behavior. Not long after that I left San Francisco for Taiwan. And we lost contact ever since.
In September 2007 the day I arrived in San Francisco for my 34th birthday he sent me an Email. He said that he was cleaning out inbox and came across the Email I’ve sent to all my friends upon my departure from San Francisco in 2004. That’s more than 3 & 1/2 years ago and he’s just reading it now?!
Isn’t that amazing? More than 3 & 1/2 years later he finally discovered my Email, not knowing that I’ve been gone all this time. I wrote him back immediately and he called me up right away. “I’ve thought about you over the years,” he said.
For some odd reason we didn’t get to meet up in person. My trip was extremely short. It was only a total of 9 days…unfortunately we missed each other again.
Usually prior to my arrival in San Francisco I would send an Email to friends and let them know where to find me during my stay. His Email address was bounced back. I didn’t think much about it until the day my date was late picking me up and I had a little extra time to kill. I began cleaning out my inbox and came across his Email from last year in which he provided new contact information.
I decided to give it a try and see what happens. And just like that only minutes after I left the house he called me up. It was so good to hear from him.
I had to get off the phone because dinner was about to start. He asked me to call him when I got home. It was late when I called it a night and he didn’t pick up when I tried to ring him up.
The next day I had a plan to meet up with friends for happy hour drinks. I invited him to join us or pick me up afterwards for dinner. I was very excited about meeting him after nearly 5 years. The moment when I laid my eyes on him, he stood next to his car in a purple velvet jacket. Oh man, I was in love all over again.
We first went to Houston’s and were told that the wait for a table was 30 minutes. We kept ourselves busy by staying inseparable. But then we didn’t feel like spending all that time waiting. So we went up to North Beach for some great Italian food where waiting in line was not required. I remember looking at him across the table, and thinking to myself, “We belong together.” While we waited for the valet boy he grabbed me by the waist and kissed me passionately. It was so passionate that we didn’t even care that we put on a free show by the curb for everyone to see!
The next day he called and I literally bust into tears hearing what he had to say, “You rock my world and I want more! I love you and you’re the person I would want to have my baby. I knew you’re the one for me five years ago when we first met. But you treated me like every other guy and we’re too young then. Would you like to try a You & Me thing?”
That kiss sealed the deal and I’ve found my knight in shiny armor – my king – my everything!