Friday, June 02, 2006

She Works Hard For Pleasure

Perhaps it's difficult for everyone to comprehend why I have such a passion for radio. Perhaps it's impossible for anyone to understand why I'm a much happier person on air than on TV. I'm working for a lot less money now than ever before. But I look forward going to work and enjoy every second of it - on air and off air.

Radio is my passion and it can be very fulfilling as well. My present way of life makes me feel happy and satisfied. Most people are preoccupied with materialism. How many of them can say that they're truly happy and content? People who love what they do and do what they love are few and far between. There's something I also notice from my current lifestyle. When I'm content with myself and my life, I'm less likely to become obsessed with material needs & wants.

Despite this being my first radio show in Mandarin, I've had the opportunity to interview those whose native tongue is not Chinese. On May 12th I met Kevin Kern and his wife Pam and interviewed both for almost an hour. He's an extrodinary composer and pianist. His vision may not be as clear as most of us but he can work wonders on black & white keyboards. During our interview, Kevin and Pam held hands the whole time. Not once they let go of each other's hand. I guess that's what being married is all about. When they told me that they met online, I was stunned! They chatted online for a year before meeting up in person. WOW! That's really something. They became inseparable after their first face-to-face encounter. That's the way true love goes. They suspect that the Hollywood Blockbuster "You've Got Mail" was based on their story because it's pretty much how it happened for them.

Not too long ago the Broadway production "West Side Story" came to Taiwan. I wanted to have the cast on my show more than anything else. Kudos to my assistant! She not only arranged to have "Tony" on the show but also "Maria" and "Anita". How exciting it is to meet the cast up close and personal!

"Tony" is new to the cast. He auditioned for the part on May 1st and the offer came in on May 2nd. By the 7th of May, he was scheduled to go on stage as "Tony." The rumor has it that the original "Tony" was canned. The director was going to have a cow because he was partying too much after the show and letting go of his perfect figure. What I don't understand is that there's no way that the original "Tony" could be fat. This role is so demanding. He has to sing, dance and act. A lot of times he has to sing and dance at the same time and he's not allowed to miss a beat or sound exhausted. Playing "Tony" will keep him fit for sure.

Before I had the cast on my show, I've heard rumors that "Tony" is very handsome. I Know I know it's so shallow to judge a man by his look. I like a piece of fresh young meat =) He's only 24 this year...And yes, the rumor was absolutely right on the money. You Pretty Young Thing! Michael Jackson will love you too!

Next year will be the 50th anniversary for "West Side Story." Amazing how long the show has been playing and how we can still relate to it as if it was written in the 21st century! The social / racial issues still exist and they have not improved much. And there's nothing compares to a love story like this besides Romeo & Juliet.

I had dinner with my friend Simon last week and he said he's not sure if he's even heard of a musical called "West Side Story." I almost fainted. Not only it's something that everyone should know but I strongly encourage everyone to go see it at least for once in this lifetime. I'll pass "Mission Impossible 3" and go for "West Side Story" on any day! C' know MI3 will make it to HBO or some movie channels in less than a year.

Have you heard of Judy Collins? No one can sing "Amazing Grace" like she does! A piano prodigy became a folk singer. She released her first album at the tender age of 22. However, she's more than just a singer who was invited to perform "Amazing Grace" for Bill Clinton's first inauguration in 1993. She's an accomplished writer and has written a memoir and two novels. And she even posed nude on the cover of her album "Hard Times For Lovers". How cute is that?!

At the age of 66, she's busy traveling, writing, touring, practicing the piano (yes, even a piano prodigy needs to practice!), composing, and enjoying life. I admire her so much that I vow to become just as energetic and positive like Judy when I reach 60.

Her son took his own life at the age of 33 due to depression. I can only imagine that he was terrified when depression attacked. I have an uncle who also suffers from depression. He then turned to alcohol and would turn the house upside down looking for booze when one of those moments hit him hard.

Judy seems so strong and confident even though life hasn't always been smooth sailing for her. That's the attitude all of us need when life doesn't go our way. If everything goes your way, then life becomes too easy and you're likely to lose motivation and ambition.

People from all walks of life are invited to come on my show and we chat like old friends even though we might just meet for the first time. Everyday our show features something different. We're all in it for surprises and it's a treat for me as well as for you! This work is really cut out for me because I love talking, especially when I can interview interesting people and ask anything that comes through my head!